More Information
Requests may also be made in writing and delivered by hand, by mail, or by electronic mail at the address below. Requests for public records also may be made orally, in person, at the HPC offices at the address below. Telephone requests may be accepted at the discretion of the HPC’s Records Access Officer. Please note that oral requests, whether in-person or by telephone, may not be the subject of an appeal to the Supervisor of Records.
Requesters must ensure that all requests include a reasonable description of the requested record so that the HPC’s Records Access Officer can identify and locate the record promptly. Please consider how you can narrow the scope of your request to expedite the production process. The first four hours of work performed to respond to a public records request will be performed at no cost. After that, the HPC may charge up to $25/hour.
Records Access Officer
Rebecca Mashni, Associate Counsel
Massachusetts Health Policy Commission
50 Milk Street, 8th Floor
Boston, MA 02109
Phone number: 617-757-1669
Email: [email protected]
Public Records Available Online
The HPC makes available on its website many types of records that may be of interest to members of the public. Potential requestors may use the search tool at the top, right-hand corner of the website to find documents they wish to obtain. The following links direct members of the public to a select few of the many records available on the HPC website:
- Public meetings of the HPC’s 11-member Board are held throughout the year. At these meetings, Board members receive a high-level overview of major work streams at the HPC and discuss topics relevant to the HPC’s work in Massachusetts health care cost containment. The Board’s final votes, including those authorizing regulations, publications, agency budgets and large contracts, may be found in the slide decks and meeting minutes, available on the HPC’s website.
- All of the HPC’s reports, including the annual Cost Trends Reports and the OPP Annual Reports, may be found on the HPC’s website.
- The HPC regulations are listed on a dedicated page of the HPC’s website in numerical order based on the CMR number. Notices of proposed regulations, when the HPC is seeking public comment, as well as notices of public hearings are listed on the regulations page.
- The HPC has funded six grant programs that make investments in health care providers across the Commonwealth to help deliver better health and better care at a lower cost. More information about all six programs and their awardees may be found at the links below, and a list of all publications about HPC Investment Programs is available here.
- Find more information about the HPC’s market oversight work (including, for example, Material Change Notices, Cost and Market Impact Reviews, Registration of Provider Organizations Program, and Drug Pricing Reviews), learn about the Health Care Cost Growth Benchmark process, or Performance Improvement Plans.
- Information on awarded contracts and winning bids is available on the Commonwealth’s procurement record system, COMMBUYS. Please contact the Records Access Officer if you have questions or need assistance finding awarded contracts and winning bids.