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MassUP Investment Program

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The Moving Massachusetts Upstream (MassUP) Investment Program  Investment Program funds partnerships between health care providers and community organizations to address a social determinant of health (SDOH).


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Read the MassUP Profiles for details on the partnerships and their work.

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The “Moving Massachusetts Upstream” (MassUP) initiative is a partnership across Massachusetts state agencies including the Health Policy Commission (HPC), the Department of Public Health (DPH), MassHealth, the Office of the Attorney General, the Executive Office of Elder Affairs, and the Executive Office of Health and Human Services. The vision of the MassUP initiative is better health, lower costs and reduced health inequities across communities and populations in Massachusetts through effective collaboration among government, health care systems, and community organizations 

The MassUP investment program supports partnerships that include health care provider organizations and community organization partners (such as CBOs, municipalities, and schools) working to address upstream social, environmental, and/or economic challenges, and aim to enable sustainable improvements in community health and health equity. The purpose of the MassUP investment program is to build and/or expand upon existing efforts to implement programs that address the social determinants of health (SDOH) and root causes of health inequity.

MassUP Investment Program Awards

Following a competitive procurement process, the HPC made investment awards to four partnerships, working in two key SDOH areas: economic stability and mobility, and food systems and security. The partnerships will work together through August 2023 to implement strategies to address these SDOH in their communities. 

Economic Stability and Mobility Awards:

Heywood Hospital, in partnership with Growing Places, Health Equity Partnership (CNHA9), The Winchendon School, Three Pyramids, Town of Winchendon, Winchendon Community Action Council, and Winchendon Public Schools.

The partnership, known as HEAL Winchendon, is working to improve health and wellbeing in the town of Winchendon, MA, through economic empowerment, focusing on building social, financial, and community assets. With its $649,546 funding award, HEAL Winchendon’s activities include resident leadership and civic engagement programming; updating Winchendon’s Master Plan to promote economic mobility; providing personal finance education opportunities; assisting residents in building credit; and updating local policy to allow for mixed use developments.  

Massachusetts General Hospital, in partnership with The Neighborhood Developers, CONNECT, the City of Chelsea, the City of Revere, La Colaborativa, MassHire Metro North Workforce Board, and Women Encouraging Empowerment (WEE).

The partnership, called the Cross-City Coalition, is coordinating municipal workforce development efforts in the cities of Chelsea and Revere to improve job prospects for residents. With its $649,498 in funding, the CCC is undertaking work to align job training programs to identified growth sectors; advocate for municipal policies that support economic opportunity; and bolster ongoing programs that provide technical assistance and promote access to capital for women and minority businesses, among other activities.

Food Systems and Security Awards:

Cooley Dickinson Health Care, in partnership with the Collaborative for Educational Services, Hilltown Community Health Center, and Hilltown Development Corporation.

The partnership is establishing a Hampshire County Food Policy Council to strategically align organizations and residents working to improve regional food security and address a systemic lack of access to healthy food. Its activities are informed by a 2017 Food Access Action Plan and directed by a group of residents and community leaders who are members of the Food Policy Council. HCFPC activities include grant distribution to fund small-scale community-driven projects; advocating for policy change; developing farmers’ markets in underserved areas; and establishing resident-governed community-gardening infrastructure in food insecure communities.. The partnership was awarded $555,555 in funding.

Mercy Medical Center, in partnership with the Springfield Food Policy Council, Open Pantry Community Services, Fertile Ground, Gardening the Community, and Square One.

The partnership has established a Springfield MassUP Food Justice Steering Committee that is working to create a more effective food system to help residents lead healthier lives. With its $650,000 funding award, activities include policy advocacy to address the “SNAP/HIP Gap” and other issues; modifying public transit routes to facilitate food access for seniors; engagement with food retailers and residents, including creating a Food Retail Committee to expand locations of affordable, healthy food; and offering resident leadership development activities.