The HPC is charged with examining spending trends and underlying drivers and with developing evidence-based policy recommendations for strategies to increase the efficiency of the health care system. Using key data sources such as the Center for Health Information and Analysis’ All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) and cutting-edge methods, the HPC draws on significant research and analytical expertise to inform action to achieve the goals of Chapter 224. Using this research, the HPC develops the annual Health Care Cost Trends Report and brings subject matter expertise to its annual Health Care Cost Trends Hearing. The HPC also publishes policy and research briefs spanning a range of important health policy topics, as well as the DataPoints series, which showcases shorter topical research and interactive graphics.
Health Care Cost Trends Report
In this annual report, the HPC presents new research to enhance the collective understanding of health care spending trends and cost drivers and evaluates progress in meeting the Commonwealth’s cost containment, care delivery, and payment system goals.
In addition to this research and analysis, the annual cost trends report provides recommendations to the Legislature, market participants, and state agencies to fulfill the cost containment goals of the Commonwealth. The report also expresses the HPC’s commitments to action in service of those goals.
Read the HPC's Annual Health Care Cost Trends Reports.
Health Care Cost Trends Hearing
The Massachusetts Health Policy Commission (HPC) hosts the Health Care Cost Trends Hearing each year to examine the drivers of health care costs and discuss the challenges and opportunities for improving care and reducing costs across the health care system. The annual public hearing features live testimony from top health care executives and industry leaders, with questions posed by the HPC’s Board of Commissioners about the state’s performance under the Health Care Cost Growth Benchmark and the status of health care reform efforts.
Since 2012, pre-filed written testimony has afforded the HPC an opportunity to engage more deeply with Massachusetts health care market participants. State law requires the HPC to seek testimony from a cross-section of the market, including providers (e.g., acute care hospitals, community health centers, physician organizations), health plans, and municipalities. All written testimony is a public record and is posted online.
The 2024 Annual Health Care Cost Trends Hearing will take place on Thursday, November 14, 2024.
Review materials from prior Annual Health Care Cost Trends Hearings.