The Massachusetts Health Policy Commission (HPC) is an independent state agency working to improve the affordability of health care for all residents of the Commonwealth.

Through data-driven analysis, actionable policy insights, public accountability, and innovative investments, the HPC seeks to improve health care delivery, lower costs, and reduce health disparities.     

Learn more about the HPC.

Massachusetts with the HPC logo centered over it

HPC by the Numbers

See HPC data in action.


The Health Care Cost Growth Benchmark, a statewide target for the rate of growth of total health care expenditures in 2025.


Annual health care spending per person in Massachusetts in 2022, exceeding the national average by more than $2,000.


Total amount disbursed by the HPC to investment program awardees between 2014 and 2025. 


Rise in health care costs between 2021 and 2022, exceeding the 3.1% benchmark for that year.

Office of Patient Protection

Through its Office of Patient Protection (OPP), the HPC safeguards the rights of health insurance consumers by regulating the internal appeal process and administering external reviews for consumers with fully-insured Massachusetts health insurance. OPP also issues open enrollment waivers and provides information and education about health insurance concerns to the public.

Learn more about OPP.