Primary care in Massachusetts is facing challenges, including provider burnout and patient access barriers. Administrative burden makes the work of primary care unsustainable, and low payment rates disincentivize clinician entry and make practices hard to sustain. The HPC offers policy options to address these challenges.
Presented at the 2023 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting
Even before 2020, health care workers in Massachusetts reported challenges such as the strain of high turnover and lack of support – and the impacts of the pandemic exacerbated these issues and impacted patient care. This HPC Short analyzes the state of the health care workforce in Massachusetts and policy solutions to address workforce challenges.
Special report examining Massachusetts workforce impacts from COVID-19 and targeted policy considerations to address these challenges, with a special focus on registered nurses, direct care workers, and behavioral health providers.
Despite favorable outcomes associated with midwifery care, and the potential of midwife-led care to help to address ongoing racial disparities in birth outcomes, rates of midwife-attended births in the U.S. remain low. The Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs) and Maternity Care in Massachusetts report examines the state of midwifery in the Commonwealth and provides recommendations to improve this landscape.
This legislatively-mandated report presents analyses and recommendations regarding the Commonwealth’s entry into the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC), including an overview of nurse job vacancies in Massachusetts, whether entry into the NLC would increase the Commonwealth’s emergency and pandemic preparedness, and evaluation of other states’ entry into the NLC.
Poster presented at the virtual AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting in 2020, analyzing the nurse practitioner workforce in Massachusetts between 2015 - 2017
In this issue of DataPoints, the HPC uses data from the MA-RPO program, a first-in-the-nation statutory reporting requirement designed to collect public, standardized information on the structures and relationships of large Massachusetts providers, to examine physician affiliations and changes in the physician market.
This chartpack provides an update on out-of-network billing in Massachusetts, examining the type of services that are prone to “surprise billing,” the potential increased spending for patients and insurers, and particular provider types that have high volumes of out-of-network claims.
This policy brief examines the Nurse Practitioner workforce and its role in the Massachusetts health care delivery system.