The HPC’s colorful flag logo was designed to showcase both the culture of the organization and the mission of the HPC.

The sloping lines represent data trend lines, reflecting the HPC’s commitment to data-informed policy. The two triangles in balance signify the active conversations with stakeholders that we aim to inform and stimulate. The colors are active and dynamic like the work and the people of the HPC.
Each of the four components represents a key lever we employ to execute our mission.
Research and Report
We analyze data to track health system performance, identify opportunities and track progress in key improvement areas, and shine a light on trends in health care costs and spending. This new and regular reporting provides transparency for the health care system and the public.
Market Oversight
We monitor the health care market and intervene as necessary on behalf of the people of the Commonwealth to hold our health system accountable when organizations are proposing changes to business structures that will impact health care costs, quality, access, and equity.
The HPC makes critical investments that respond to pressing issues in health care, collaborating with hospitals and community partners throughout the state. Past areas of investment have addressed natal abstinence syndrome, promoted telemedicine to increase behavioral health access for priority populations, and encouraged evidence-based models for initiating treatment for opioid use disorder in the ED.
HPC thought leadership brings experts from all communities together to discuss and collaborate on challenges facing our health care system and hold leaders of organizations accountable.