Despite the Commonwealth’s strong overall performance in measures of maternal health, recent data indicate significant, persistent inequities in maternal health outcomes. This episode of HPC Shorts highlights inequities in rates of severe maternal morbidity (SMM) by race and ethnicity, as well as the spending and affordability implications of these adverse outcomes for birthing people in Massachusetts.
This Q and A features a conversation with Ann McDonald, Award Manager and Gabriela Leon, Outreach Coordinator of Berkshire Connections, a program that seeks to respond to both the multifaceted needs of families impacted by substance use disorder and the disjointed network of supports for those families.
This short video highlights the work of Birth Equity and Support through the Inclusion of Doula Expertise (BESIDE) Investment Program. This video features Massachusetts State Senator Liz Miranda, BESIDE awardee, Baystate Medical Center staff and their doula service partners, Springfield Family Doulas, along with a BESIDE program participant.
Presented at the 2024 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting
This report explores inequities in the rate of severe maternal morbidity among birthing people in Massachusetts and examines spending and affordability implications of adverse maternal outcomes by race and ethnicity.
Profiles of the Birth Equity and Support Through the Inclusion of Doula Expertise (BESIDE) Investment Program awardees, Baystate Medical Center and Boston Medical Center
The SENSE Collaborative is a cross-sector collaboration addressing unmet needs for pregnant and parenting individuals with substance use disorders and their infants. SENSE focuses on organizing and increasing access to health care, supportive services, and resources for this population.
Slides presented at the 2023 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting
One-page overview of the Cost-Effective, Coordinated Care for Caregivers and Substance Exposed Newborns (C4SEN) Investment Program
Descriptions of programs implemented by Awardees participating in the Cost-Effective, Coordinated Care for Caregivers and Substance Exposed Newborns (C4SEN) Investment Program