
March 15, 2023 – Benchmark Hearing

Hearing to Determine the 2024 Health Care Cost Growth Benchmark: Wednesday, March 15, 2023, 12:00 PM 

Under the framework set forth in Chapter 224, from 2023 through 2032, the health care cost growth benchmark will be set equal to potential gross state product (PGSP), or 3.6%, unless the HPC determines that an adjustment to the benchmark is reasonably warranted. In that case, the HPC Board may choose to modify the benchmark to any amount.


Oral Testimony

The following parties delivered in-person testimony on whether modification of the benchmark is appropriate:

  1. Christopher Carlozzi, State Director, National Federation of Independent Business 
  2. Liz Leahy, Chief of Staff and Vice President of Advocacy and Engagement, Massachusetts Association of Health Plans 
  3. Steve Walsh, President and CEO, Massachusetts Health and Hospital Association
  4. Alex Sheff, Co-Director of Policy and Government Affairs, Health Care for All 
  5. Jon Hurst, President, Retailers of Massachusetts 

Written Testimony

The following parties submitted written testimony on whether modification of the benchmark is appropriate.

  1. Michael Caljouw, Vice President, State Government and Regulatory Affairs, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
  2. Melissa Croad, MSNA, CRNA, APRN
  3. Jon Hurst, President, Retailers Association of Massachusetts
  4. Massachusetts Health and Hospital Association
  5. Massachusetts Medical Society
  6. Patricia McMullin, Executive Director, Conference of Boston Teaching Hospitals
  7. Lora Pellegrini, President and CEO, Massachusetts Association of Health Plans
  8. Deb Wilson, LGH President